Preparing for your procedure is very important. To insure your comfort and reduce the risk of any complications, please read the following instructions carefully. In the event that these instructions are not followed, your procedure will be subject to cancellation. We are very concerned about your welfare.
UNLESS OTHERWISE INSTRUCTED BY YOUR PHYSICIAN, Take your heart, breathing (asthma), seizure, gastric reflux, high blood pressure, anxiety, psychiatric medicine or any long-term pain control medicine you take on a regular basis with a small sip of water the morning of your procedure.Bring a copy of any custody papers or power of attorney documents that involve the patient.
Bring a copy of your insurance card and a picture ID such as a driver’s license.REMOVE ALL jewelry including anklets and toe rings before coming to the facility.
REMOVE ALL body piercings before coming to the facility.
REMOVE ARTIFICIAL NAILS if your procedure involves your hand.
Bathe or shower the morning of your surgery and brush your teeth.
Wear loose, comfortable clothing as some procedures require removal of all clothing including underwear.
Wear your glasses and bring a case for storage of glasses and solution for storing contact lens.
Bring a favorite toy or blanket for younger patients.
Bring a responsible adult to be with you and to drive you home.
Verification of a responsible adult will be made prior to your being admitted to the surgery center. If responsible adult verification cannot be made, your procedure will be cancelled. Your driver MUST be available to pick you up as soon as you are ready for discharge.
Notify your doctor if you take Coumadin, Plavix, Aspirin or any other blood thinner.
Notify your doctor and our staff if you have an insulin pump. Your doctor will determine if and when it needs to be disconnected. Please bring any supplies necessary to reconnect the pump.
Notify your doctor and our staff if you have an ostomy. Bring ostomy supplies with you in case the bag needs to be removed and reattached.
Notify your doctor and our staff if you have any internal or external devices such as pacemakers and defibrillators.
Notify your doctor and our staff IMMEDIATELY if you suspect you are pregnant.
Notify your doctor and our staff of any changes in your health, even minor changes such as a cold or fever.
Directions to our Facility
When you arrive at the St. Vincent’s East Campus, we are in Building 52 (the building to the right when you are facing the hospital). Park on the Emergency Room side beside the 52C Entrance and come up to the 4 th floor to Suite 401.
IF YOU ARE LATE or cannot keep your appointment, please notify us by calling 205-838-3888.